A blog about computers, gaming, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, computers and society, robots, self driving cars, psychology of computers and technology from Dr Tim Lynch @ Psychsoftpc High Performance Computers Built With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship in Quincy, MA USA We'll post about news, events, PC gaming, technology, AI, robotics, VR, computers in society, psychology of computers, technologyl and other interesting topics.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Psychsoftpc Thoughts on New Year's Eve
Today is the last day of 2016 and we are feeling a bit nostalgic around here @Psychsoftpc in Quincy MA. So I thought I would look back on some of the history of Psychsoftpc and let you the reader know a bit more about us along the way.
Founded in 1987 by academics as part of an AIDS research grant under NIH and an outgrowth of the Dissertation of Dr. Tim Lynch, internationally recognized computer and robotics psychologist, Psychsoftpc started out creating Artificial Intelligence Natural Language software using Neural Net / Fuzzy Set Algorithms for DOD, NASA, NIH and the UN. Psychsoftpc and Dr Tim Lynch were the first to apply Neural Networks combined with Fuzzy Set Theory to the problem of Natural Language Artificial Intelligence and language disambiguation. The Natural Language AI developed used English as a Second Language texts and word lists as a basis for the vocabulary of the working Natural Language Artificial Intelligence developed decades before Siri and Cortana were created. Dissatisfied with the state of off the shelf PC hardware at the time, the folks at Psychsoftpc started designing and building high performance computers in-house to advance their research efforts. It became a natural progression for Psychsoftpc to start providing these computers to government agencies and later to private sector and college / university research facilities, and finally, to individuals looking for high performance computers for gaming, graphics design and 3D modeling.
Psychsoftpc was among the first companies to offer Linux as a preinstalled option on its machines, the first to offer turn key entry level Linux Cluster Supercomputers affordable for small businesses, the first to offer a Digital Signage controller PC, one of a select few recognized by NVidia and Autocad for quality and capability in High Performance Professional Workstation design and manufacture, the first and only company to offer a Point of Sale Print Signage solution (currently in use in many major US retail chains), one of the first five companies to make authorized Tesla Personal Supercomputers, the first to offer Tesla Personal Supercomputers with Linux, the first and one of only two companies to produce turn key Hadoop Clusters for Big Data Analysis and the first to make Virtual Reality Ready Gaming Computers all while maintaining complete manufacturing in the USA right here in historic Quincy, MA.
So we've done a lot and look forward to doing more in the future. We are above all, New Englanders, in all that entails. We believe in hard work, responsibility, Yankee ingenuity, a passion for innovation, a desire to be first in offering new technology and good old Massachusetts values. We love what we do and hope that shows. We believe in everyone here taking responsibility for the quality of our computers. That is why each machine is built from start to finish by the same person. We believe that that is the best way to ensure a quality computer. Multiple people means multiple points of possible failure. We also strive for zero defects in our building process. We do very well here, but we are human, so zero defects is an impossible goal. But that's the point. If you don't reach for the stars, you'll be forever stuck in the valley.
So here's to 2017. May we all survive and live long and prosper. We may be Jedis but we still honor the Vulcan Way.
Your Gamer Friends with all the PhDs at Psychsoftpc
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Thursday, December 8, 2016
Psychsoftpc Announces Our New Facebook Shop
Psychsoftpc is pleased to announce the expansion of our social media presence in the establishment of the Psychsoftpc Facebook Shop This enables people visiting Facebook to buy one of our Virtual Reality Ready Gaming computers with NVidia GTX 1080, 1070 or 1060 VR Ready GPUs and Intel CPUs right from the Psychsoftpc Facebook page instead of going to the Psychsoftpc site. All purchases are secured through PayPal a name people trust.
Facebook has been a destination for a lots of folks and with the addition of shopping directly from a company's Facebook page, it aims to provide convenience for the millions of Facebook users and keep people on Facebook more instead of having them abandon Facebook to go to other sites to complete their on-line purchases. With our Facebook Shop presence, Psychsoftpc now has the ability to showcase and sell high performance gaming computers directly on our Facebook page, giving consumers another way of purchasing items of interest learned about on Facebook or other social media quickly and seamlessly.
With all payments being processed through PayPal, customers need not fear credit card theft or account information retention by the online shops on Facebook. Psychsoftpc has always used PayPal for its processing, so this does not constitute a change. But by utilizing PayPal for purchase processing instead of their own, Facebook has established a level of trust for the consumers utilizing the Facebook Shop service. PayPal has a long established tradition of safety in on-line transactions.
While the establishment of the Psychsoftpc Facebook Shop is new, it does not mean folks can no longer make purchases directly from the Psychsoftpc site. This is an additional way to reach and serve our customers, not a retreat from traditional on-line selling methods. Psychsoftpc is all about service and commitment to quality. The Facebook Shop merely gives us another outlet and the ability to reach more customers in a manner convenient to them.
Psychsoftpc makes high performance Virtual Reality Ready Gaming Computers, GPU Tesla Personal Supercomputers, Graphics Workstations and turn key Big Data Hadoop Clusters in Quincy, MA. Computers Built in the United States With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc of Quincy, MA USA.
Psychsoftpc Site http://www.psychsoftpc.com
Twitter http://twitter.com/Psychsoftpc
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Psychsoftpc
Friday, November 25, 2016
Psychsoftpc Cyber Monday Deal Free Pizza with Purchase! Get the Code here!
It's that time of year again, the time when it is expected for everyone doing business on line to offer #Coupons or special deals for Cyber Monday and the holiday season. Well we @ Psychsoftpc
are no exception. However, we like to do things differently. Let's face it, what most folks are doing out there is boring and expected. As gamers, we know you have come to expect the unexpected. So, instead of some boring coupon, we decided to give you free Pizza with purchase if you enter the secret code at checkout.
Now about that Coupon Code! We couldn't just do something simple like the word pizza, where's the fun in that. Gamers expect to work for the prize, to figure out the puzzle like our favorite heroine in Tomb Raider. So we thought What Would Lara Croft Do? Aha! that's perfect! So our coupon code for free pizza with purchase of one of our awesome, incredibly fast Virtual Reality Ready gaming computers is WWLCD. And since we don't do anything half way this deal lasts the entire holiday season, not just one day or one weekend. So there you have it. Have fun and keep gaming.
Psychsoftpc Extreme Gamer PC
Your Gamer Friends @ Psychsoftpc
That's right, free #Pizza!!! 😎😎👍👍
Now about that Coupon Code! We couldn't just do something simple like the word pizza, where's the fun in that. Gamers expect to work for the prize, to figure out the puzzle like our favorite heroine in Tomb Raider. So we thought What Would Lara Croft Do? Aha! that's perfect! So our coupon code for free pizza with purchase of one of our awesome, incredibly fast Virtual Reality Ready gaming computers is WWLCD. And since we don't do anything half way this deal lasts the entire holiday season, not just one day or one weekend. So there you have it. Have fun and keep gaming.
Psychsoftpc Extreme Gamer PC
Your Gamer Friends @ Psychsoftpc
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
For Those Who Don't Want to Deal with the Crowds of Black Friday Psychsoftpc Says #JustStayIn
Lots of folks are sick of the Black Friday hype. Fighting crowds
for some loss leader that disappears in an instant or just trying to find
parking is a hassle. We @Psychsoftpc agree with the
sentiment. Black Friday is just too much. Some stores even start it on
Thanksgiving Day, causing some employees to miss time with the family. Plus there are all the crowds to deal with. And for what?
Most "Bargains" aren't really bargains at all. So if you're like us and are sick
of the Black Friday hype machine and are the type of person who likes spending
time indoors, especially if it’s raining or snowing like it sometimes does here
in the Northeast, we at Psychsoftpc say
just say no to the Black Friday madness and #JustStayIn.
There’s a lot for folks to do inside their place. They can play computer games like Overwatch, on PC of course. They can watch football. There’s going to be lots of football on TV that day. They can binge watch shows that they've missed like Blindspot or Supergirl or Van Helsing. They can spend time with the family. They can have that Turkey sandwich with stuffing and cranberry sauce. They can even sleep in! It all makes more sense than fighting crowds for a deal on something they don't need or want anyway just to get a deal.
So we @ Psychsoftpc say Stop the insanity! Enjoy time with your friends and family or even some quiet time alone and #JustStayIn. Don't do the Black Friday thing. There will be plenty of true bargains with a lot less crowds to fight in the coming weeks.
Your Gamer Friends @ Psychsoftpc
Computers Built in the USA With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc. Psychsoftpc makes high performance Virtual Reality Oculus Rift 4K ready Gaming Computers, GPU Tesla Personal Supercomputers, Graphics Workstations and turn key Big Data Hadoop Clusters in Quincy, MA Computers Built in the United States With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc of Quincy, MA USA Psychsoftpc also sells 3D Printers
There’s a lot for folks to do inside their place. They can play computer games like Overwatch, on PC of course. They can watch football. There’s going to be lots of football on TV that day. They can binge watch shows that they've missed like Blindspot or Supergirl or Van Helsing. They can spend time with the family. They can have that Turkey sandwich with stuffing and cranberry sauce. They can even sleep in! It all makes more sense than fighting crowds for a deal on something they don't need or want anyway just to get a deal.
So we @ Psychsoftpc say Stop the insanity! Enjoy time with your friends and family or even some quiet time alone and #JustStayIn. Don't do the Black Friday thing. There will be plenty of true bargains with a lot less crowds to fight in the coming weeks.
Your Gamer Friends @ Psychsoftpc
Computers Built in the USA With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc. Psychsoftpc makes high performance Virtual Reality Oculus Rift 4K ready Gaming Computers, GPU Tesla Personal Supercomputers, Graphics Workstations and turn key Big Data Hadoop Clusters in Quincy, MA Computers Built in the United States With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc of Quincy, MA USA Psychsoftpc also sells 3D Printers
Friday, July 8, 2016
NVidia GTX1060 4k & Virtual Reality Ready Gaming GPU now in Psychsoftpc Psyborg Extreme Initiate Gamer PC Get your VR gaming on!

NVidia just released the latest Pascal based 4K Virtual Reality Ready Gaming GPU, the GTX 1060. With comparable specs to the GTX 980 at considerably less cost,the GTX 1060 brings affordability to the Virtual Reality Gaming space. We @Psychsoftpc of course have added this to our entry level Gamer PC, the Psyborg Initiate Gaming Computer, rounding out our VR Ready offerings with an entry level card that really screams.
Just look at the performance of this card on the latest games and Virtual Reality. This card will really smoke the competition. NVidia really outdid themselves this time. And when you compare it to the GTX 960 which it replaces, you can see how special this car truly is.
So if you're just starting out in gaming or are gaming on a budget, this card is for you. And our Psyborg Extreme Initiate Gamer PC is the perfect machine for it.
Follow us on Twitter @Psychsoftpc
Like our Facebook Psychsoftpc Page
Computers Built in the USA With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc. Psychsoftpc makes high performance Oculus Rift 4K Virtual Reality Ready Gaming Computers, GPU Tesla Personal Supercomputers, Graphics Workstations and turn key Big Data Hadoop Clusters in Quincy, MA Computers Built in the United States With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc of Quincy, MA US
Computers Built in the USA With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc. Psychsoftpc makes high performance Oculus Rift 4K Virtual Reality Ready Gaming Computers, GPU Tesla Personal Supercomputers, Graphics Workstations and turn key Big Data Hadoop Clusters in Quincy, MA Computers Built in the United States With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc of Quincy, MA US
Friday, July 1, 2016
Robocrash: Tesla Self Driving Car in Fatal Auto Accident
A self driving Tesla automobile was involved in a highway accident with a Big Rig in May which resulted in the death of the driver / passenger. Under bright daylight conditions, the Robocar failed to recognize a white semi which crossed lanes as a truck to avoid and attempted to drive under it instead of braking to avoid the crash. This was the first autonomous vehicle related fatal accident that we know of and we only know about it because a federal agency started an investigation. Tesla, in a statement on it's web site, is blaming the victim, saying that it is the responsibility of the passenger to become the driver and take over when an accident is impending and that the Robocar was never designed to be fully autonomous.
"It is important to note that Tesla disables Autopilot by default and requires explicit acknowledgement that the system is new technology and still in a public beta phase before it can be enabled. When drivers activate Autopilot, the acknowledgment box explains, among other things, that Autopilot 'is an assist feature that requires you to keep your hands on the steering wheel at all times,' and that 'you need to maintain control and responsibility for your vehicle' while using it."
This is in stark contrast to a statement made previously by the company's CEO, Elon Musk:
“The probability of having an accident is 50% lower if you have Autopilot on. Even with our first version. So we can see basically what’s the average number of kilometers to an accident – accident defined by airbag deployment. Even with this early version, it’s almost twice as good as a person.” He also said “It’s probably better than a person right now” and it “will be able to drive virtually all roads at a safety level significantly better than humans."
So why are we just finding out about this now? Because the Robocar lobby will obviously take a big hit because of this. All along they have been extolling the benefits to society of self driving cars. Computers are so much better than humans, they claim, that they will bring an end to accidents altogether and make our highways safer for travel. No more fatalities, they declared. They have even argued that the government should take the human out of the equation altogether by not allowing any human to drive ever again.
This accident changes things. It should lead us to question the head on rush to approval of autonomous vehicles on our streets. The argument from Google and other Robocar proponents has always been that self-driving cars or autonomous vehicles are safer than having people behind the wheel. "Think of all the lives we could save", they say. "People need never die in a car ever again", they proclaim. Well someone just died at the virtual hands of an autonomous vehicle. The software failed and the company is blaming the human. If he had his hands on the wheel, if he was in control, the accident could have been avoided, they're now saying.
The problem with this is that we are trained to think differently in different situations. We have alert driver mode and relaxed passenger mode when we are in cars. We are used to it, we have always experienced it that way and it is difficult to just switch back and forth in an instant. We can't be both driver and passenger, our brains don't work like that. So to say that it was the passenger's fault is naive at best. The human in the Tesla was a passenger who trusted the technology because he believed all the hype and he paid for that with his life. There is a difference between a software glitch in autocorrect that results in a misspelling and one in a Robocar that can result in death. But the hype machines of Google, Tesla and other autonomous car proponents haven't been treating it like that. To them it's just another piece of tech to push.
The spin doctors are already working overtime on this because it could set the Robocar industry back years. But this time, let's not believe the hype and let's ignore the spin. Do we really trust Google or Tesla or other manufacturers to tell the truth about this? And can we really trust having autonomous vehicles on our roads?
Dr Tim Lynch
Psychsoftpc Site www.psychsoftpc.com
Twitter @Psychsoftpc
Facebook Psychsoftpc
Computers Built in the USA With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc. Psychsoftpc makes high performance Virtual Reality ready 4K Gaming Computers, GPU Tesla Personal Supercomputers, Graphics Workstations and turn key Big Data Hadoop Clusters in Quincy, MA Computers Built in the United States With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc of Quincy, MA USA Psychsoftpc also sells 3D Printers
Dr. Tim Lynch, President of Psychsoftpc, received his Ph.D. in Psychology of Computers and Intelligent Machines from Boston University. Shortly thereafter, Omni Magazine named him the first Robopsychologist or Computer Psychologist. He was then written up as a computer psychologist, or psychologist who studies how computer interaction effects personality and how to make computer interfaces more user friendly, in the Wall Street Journal, Psychology Today, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, the London Sunday Times, Computer World, and many other publications. As part of his Doctoral Dissertation on the Effects of Computer Use on Personality and Social Interaction Patterns, he created Artificial Intelligence Natural Language software which was the basis of programs used by NIH division of AIDS Research and the United Nations, among others. Dr. Lynch was an editor for the first Journal of Psychology of Computers. He taught graduate level courses and has written numerous journal articles on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics in computer science, Psychology of computers and how interacting with computers and intelligent machines effects people.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
E3 Psychsoftpc Announces Virtual Reality Ready 4K Gaming Computers
E3 Psychsoftpc Announces Virtual Reality Ready 4K Gaming Computers
Virtual Reality has dominated E3 this year and is bound to only get more prominence as more games are released for VR. In time for E3, Psychsoftpc announces a full line of Virtual Reality Ready 4K Gaming Computers based on Intel Core CPUs and NVidia GPUs based in the Virtual Reality Ready Pascal Architecture. With the Pascal Architecture based GTX 1080 and the GTX 1070 Graphics Cards and high performance Intel CPUs, the Psyborg Extreme Gamer PC line is ready to handle the demands of Virtual Reality gaming on demanding Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and OSVR gear as well as 3D gaming on 4K screens.
Psychsoftpc is serious about supporting Virtual Reality Gaming and current and future VR gear such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, OSVR and Microsoft Hololens. That is why they are making Virtual Reality Ready Gaming PCs based on the NVidia Pascal GPU technology. Pascal is the world’s most advanced GPU architecture, delivering truly game-changing performance, innovative technologies, and immersive, next-gen VR offering brilliant gameplay with captivating sights and sounds giving folks a whole new way to game. NVidia GTX GPUs powered by Pascal give next-generation VR performance, the lowest latency, and plug-and-play compatibility with leading headsets through NVIDIA VRWorks technologies. Virtual Reality audio, physics, and haptics let folks hear and feel every moment. NVidia GTX 1070 and GTX 1080 Pascal based cards support full 4K gaming. And these Pascal based cards are DirectX12 compatible for more life-like gaming in Windows 10.
The 4K revolution has arrived on PC, and if folks haven't yet experienced the wonders of Ultra HD gaming, they should. With four times as many pixels as common 1080p displays, 4K monitors can make newer games breathtakingly immersive, and can even add new life to older titles through high-resolution texture packs and mods. Of course, in addition to a 4K monitor, folks will need a boss gaming rig like those from Psychsoftpc with a powerful graphics card like the Pascal based GTX 1080 or GTX 1070 to do them justice because gorgeous visuals don't mean much if the frame rate drops to a crawl.
A large number of polygonal games already support 4K, either natively or through config file changes, and each looks jaw-droppingly good and when folks play the latest blockbuster games at 1920x1080 on their top-end PC they’re not getting the complete experience as most developers create textures and other assets at much higher resolutions, and compress them when playing at lower screen resolutions. When people game on a 4K monitor they can see all the detail and experience all the nuance. Next to VR, 4K is the next big thing in gaming, and once folks have seen and experienced its awesomeness they’ll never want to go back to plain Jane resolutions ever again. If they wear their enthusiast gamer badge with pride and like to think they have the best of the best in PC gear, then they need a 4K system. They owe it to themselves to experience the breathtaking vistas 4K can provide.
As the gaming world moves more to Virtual Reality and all the demands that puts on a system, better gaming machines with better GPUs are becoming more necessary. Even if folks aren't embracing VR gaming yet, it is important that their systems are ready for it. After all, a gaming computer should last a long time and give years of high performance use. That's why Psychsoftpc embraces the latest in Graphics innovations and strives to make their machines not only ready for today's gaming but gaming in the years to come.
Psychsoftpc can be found @ www.psychsoftpc.com
Follow Psychsoftpc on Twitter @Psychsoftpc
Like Psychsoftpc on Facebook Psychsoftpc
Virtual Reality has dominated E3 this year and is bound to only get more prominence as more games are released for VR. In time for E3, Psychsoftpc announces a full line of Virtual Reality Ready 4K Gaming Computers based on Intel Core CPUs and NVidia GPUs based in the Virtual Reality Ready Pascal Architecture. With the Pascal Architecture based GTX 1080 and the GTX 1070 Graphics Cards and high performance Intel CPUs, the Psyborg Extreme Gamer PC line is ready to handle the demands of Virtual Reality gaming on demanding Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and OSVR gear as well as 3D gaming on 4K screens.
Psychsoftpc is serious about supporting Virtual Reality Gaming and current and future VR gear such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, OSVR and Microsoft Hololens. That is why they are making Virtual Reality Ready Gaming PCs based on the NVidia Pascal GPU technology. Pascal is the world’s most advanced GPU architecture, delivering truly game-changing performance, innovative technologies, and immersive, next-gen VR offering brilliant gameplay with captivating sights and sounds giving folks a whole new way to game. NVidia GTX GPUs powered by Pascal give next-generation VR performance, the lowest latency, and plug-and-play compatibility with leading headsets through NVIDIA VRWorks technologies. Virtual Reality audio, physics, and haptics let folks hear and feel every moment. NVidia GTX 1070 and GTX 1080 Pascal based cards support full 4K gaming. And these Pascal based cards are DirectX12 compatible for more life-like gaming in Windows 10.
The 4K revolution has arrived on PC, and if folks haven't yet experienced the wonders of Ultra HD gaming, they should. With four times as many pixels as common 1080p displays, 4K monitors can make newer games breathtakingly immersive, and can even add new life to older titles through high-resolution texture packs and mods. Of course, in addition to a 4K monitor, folks will need a boss gaming rig like those from Psychsoftpc with a powerful graphics card like the Pascal based GTX 1080 or GTX 1070 to do them justice because gorgeous visuals don't mean much if the frame rate drops to a crawl.
A large number of polygonal games already support 4K, either natively or through config file changes, and each looks jaw-droppingly good and when folks play the latest blockbuster games at 1920x1080 on their top-end PC they’re not getting the complete experience as most developers create textures and other assets at much higher resolutions, and compress them when playing at lower screen resolutions. When people game on a 4K monitor they can see all the detail and experience all the nuance. Next to VR, 4K is the next big thing in gaming, and once folks have seen and experienced its awesomeness they’ll never want to go back to plain Jane resolutions ever again. If they wear their enthusiast gamer badge with pride and like to think they have the best of the best in PC gear, then they need a 4K system. They owe it to themselves to experience the breathtaking vistas 4K can provide.
As the gaming world moves more to Virtual Reality and all the demands that puts on a system, better gaming machines with better GPUs are becoming more necessary. Even if folks aren't embracing VR gaming yet, it is important that their systems are ready for it. After all, a gaming computer should last a long time and give years of high performance use. That's why Psychsoftpc embraces the latest in Graphics innovations and strives to make their machines not only ready for today's gaming but gaming in the years to come.
Psychsoftpc can be found @ www.psychsoftpc.com
Follow Psychsoftpc on Twitter @Psychsoftpc
Like Psychsoftpc on Facebook Psychsoftpc
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Psychsoftpc Updates Its Line of Virtual Reality Gaming PCs With The Addition of NVidia's GTX 1070
Psychsoftpc is serious about supporting Virtual Reality Gaming on Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and OSVR and so is NVidia. That's why Psychsoftpc is replacing all GTX 970 GPUs with NVidia's blazingly fast Virtual Reality Ready GTX 1070 in its second tier Psyborg Extreme Gaming Computers, offering a full range of price points of Virtual Reality Ready Gaming PCs based on the NVidia Pascal GPU technology. In benchmark runs, the 1070 was able to beat out every AMD card, including the Fury X, as well as Nvidia’s 980 Ti and Titan X in 3Dmark Fire Strike, even at the highest resolutions. It was even able to beat out the 980 Ti’s average and minimum frame rates in Overwatch. For an affordable price point, this card delivers nearly everything that the previous $1000 card did at a much lower cost.
And when you compare the GTX 1070 with its predecessor the GTX 970, the difference is staggering. The GTX 1070 is based on the new Pascal architecture where as the GTX 970 was based on Maxwell. Pascal is the world’s most advanced GPU architecture, delivering truly game-changing performance, innovative technologies, and immersive, next-gen VR offering brilliant gameplay with captivating sights and sounds giving folks a whole new way to game. The GTX 1070 increases the RAM to 8 gig from the 4 gig of the GTX 970. But it's in the clock speed that you can really see the difference. The GTX 1070 offers an incredible 1683 MHz while the GTX970 comes in at a mere 1178.
All this adds up to a nearly 30% performance boost by GTX 1070 over the GTX 970. And when it comes to gaming, particularly Virtual Reality gaming, that can make quite a difference in what folks see on the screen or in that Oculus Rift headset. NVidia GTX GPUs powered by Pascal give next-generation VR performance, the lowest latency, and plug-and-play compatibility with leading headsets through NVIDIA VRWorks technologies. Virtual Reality audio, physics, and haptics let you hear and feel every moment.
As the gaming world moves more to Virtual Reality with Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and OSVR and all the demands that puts on a system, better gaming machines with better GPUs are becoming more necessary. Even if folks aren't embracing VR gaming yet, it is important that their systems are ready for it. After all, a gaming computer should last a long time and give years of high performance use. That's why Psychsoftpc embraces the latest in Graphics innovations and strives to make their machines not only ready for today's gaming but gaming in the years to come.
Psychsoftpc can be found @ www.psychsoftpc.com
Follow Psychsoftpc on Twitter @Psychsoftpc
Like Psychsoftpc on Facebook Psychsoftpc
Computers Built in the USA With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc. Psychsoftpc makes high performance Virtual Reality Oculus Rift ready Gaming Computers, GPU Tesla Personal Supercomputers, Graphics Workstations and turn key Big Data Hadoop Clusters in Quincy, MA Computers Built in the United States With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc of Quincy, MA USA Psychsoftpc also sells 3D Printers
And when you compare the GTX 1070 with its predecessor the GTX 970, the difference is staggering. The GTX 1070 is based on the new Pascal architecture where as the GTX 970 was based on Maxwell. Pascal is the world’s most advanced GPU architecture, delivering truly game-changing performance, innovative technologies, and immersive, next-gen VR offering brilliant gameplay with captivating sights and sounds giving folks a whole new way to game. The GTX 1070 increases the RAM to 8 gig from the 4 gig of the GTX 970. But it's in the clock speed that you can really see the difference. The GTX 1070 offers an incredible 1683 MHz while the GTX970 comes in at a mere 1178.
All this adds up to a nearly 30% performance boost by GTX 1070 over the GTX 970. And when it comes to gaming, particularly Virtual Reality gaming, that can make quite a difference in what folks see on the screen or in that Oculus Rift headset. NVidia GTX GPUs powered by Pascal give next-generation VR performance, the lowest latency, and plug-and-play compatibility with leading headsets through NVIDIA VRWorks technologies. Virtual Reality audio, physics, and haptics let you hear and feel every moment.
As the gaming world moves more to Virtual Reality with Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and OSVR and all the demands that puts on a system, better gaming machines with better GPUs are becoming more necessary. Even if folks aren't embracing VR gaming yet, it is important that their systems are ready for it. After all, a gaming computer should last a long time and give years of high performance use. That's why Psychsoftpc embraces the latest in Graphics innovations and strives to make their machines not only ready for today's gaming but gaming in the years to come.
Psychsoftpc can be found @ www.psychsoftpc.com
Follow Psychsoftpc on Twitter @Psychsoftpc
Like Psychsoftpc on Facebook Psychsoftpc
Computers Built in the USA With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc. Psychsoftpc makes high performance Virtual Reality Oculus Rift ready Gaming Computers, GPU Tesla Personal Supercomputers, Graphics Workstations and turn key Big Data Hadoop Clusters in Quincy, MA Computers Built in the United States With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc of Quincy, MA USA Psychsoftpc also sells 3D Printers
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Psychsoftpc Gaming Computers & NVidia's New GTX 1080: The future of Virtual Reality Gaming Has Arrived
Psychsoftpc is building our top of the line Psyborg Extreme Gamer PCs with the new, awesome, Virtual Reality Ready NVidia GTX 1080 GPU which blows the doors off the former king of the cards, the GTX 980. NVidia changed the way people game again with the release of the extraordinarily fast Virtual Reality Ready GTX 1080, now the fastest, baddest kid on the block. This GPU kicks butt and takes down names and is just what you need for running Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and OSVR Virtual Reality headsets.
Look at how it compares with the old GTX 980
The GTX 1080 was designed to make the most of Virtual Reality and take all that Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and OSVR gear can dish out. And we @Psychsoftpc are shipping our top of the line Psyborg Extreme Gamer PCs with these bad boys right now.
So join the revolution and get your Virtual Reality Gaming Computer right now from Psychsoftpc
We build all of our machines by hand and subscribe to a Just In Time philosophy. We are constantly evolving our machines with the very latest technology and are often the first to put out machines that take advantage of the latest tech because we don't stock parts or pre-build machines which have to moved before we can use the most advanced technology in our machines. So while the other guys can take months to put out machines with the latest, fastest tech, we @Psychsoftpc can take days. Thomas Friedman in his book Thank You For Being Late says we must constantly adapt to rapid shifts in technology because of accelerating technological change, specifically the impact of Moore’s Law and market forces which are linking the world more powerfully than ever before. Unlike the other guys out there, Psychsoftpc embraces this. We are constantly adapting and improving our machines. We don't release new model names, we just improve the machines we build with the latest tech as it comes out. So if you want it first, look to us.
Computers Built in the USA With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc. Psychsoftpc makes high performance Virtual Reality Oculus Rift ready Gaming Computers, GPU Tesla Personal Supercomputers, Graphics Workstations and turn key Big Data Hadoop Clusters in Quincy, MA Computers Built in the United States With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc of Quincy, MA USA Psychsoftpc also sells 3D Printers
Psychsoftpc Site http://www.psychsoftpc.com
Twitter http://twitter.com/Psychsoftpc
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Psychsoftpc
Blogarama.com - Video Games Blogs
Look at how it compares with the old GTX 980
GeForce GTX 1080 | GeForce GTX 980 | ||
GPU Architecture | Pascal | Maxwell | |
Frame Buffer | 8 GB GDDR5X | 4 GB GDDR5 | |
Memory Speed | 10 Gbps | 7 Gbps | |
Boost Clock | Relative | 1.4x | 1x |
Actual | 1733 MHz | 1216 MHz |
The GTX 1080 was designed to make the most of Virtual Reality and take all that Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and OSVR gear can dish out. And we @Psychsoftpc are shipping our top of the line Psyborg Extreme Gamer PCs with these bad boys right now.
So join the revolution and get your Virtual Reality Gaming Computer right now from Psychsoftpc
We build all of our machines by hand and subscribe to a Just In Time philosophy. We are constantly evolving our machines with the very latest technology and are often the first to put out machines that take advantage of the latest tech because we don't stock parts or pre-build machines which have to moved before we can use the most advanced technology in our machines. So while the other guys can take months to put out machines with the latest, fastest tech, we @Psychsoftpc can take days. Thomas Friedman in his book Thank You For Being Late says we must constantly adapt to rapid shifts in technology because of accelerating technological change, specifically the impact of Moore’s Law and market forces which are linking the world more powerfully than ever before. Unlike the other guys out there, Psychsoftpc embraces this. We are constantly adapting and improving our machines. We don't release new model names, we just improve the machines we build with the latest tech as it comes out. So if you want it first, look to us.
Computers Built in the USA With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc. Psychsoftpc makes high performance Virtual Reality Oculus Rift ready Gaming Computers, GPU Tesla Personal Supercomputers, Graphics Workstations and turn key Big Data Hadoop Clusters in Quincy, MA Computers Built in the United States With Traditional Massachusetts Craftsmanship by Psychsoftpc of Quincy, MA USA Psychsoftpc also sells 3D Printers
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Blogarama.com - Video Games Blogs
Monday, February 15, 2016
Virtual Reality, Oculus Rift, Hololens and the future of Computer Gaming
Unless you've been living under a rock or on some distant planet somewhere the past few months, you've most likely heard about about Virtual Reality and how it will usher in a sea change in computer gaming. You must have heard all the hype surrounding Oculus Rift and Microsoft's Hololens and probably seen all the YouTube videos. By now you are really itching for that Virtual Reality experience as a PC gamer. Well, the reality is (sorry, couldn't resist) in order to do any gaming in the Virtual Reality space you need a really awesome gaming computer. See this article in Tech Crunch on Virtual Reality Gaming in which we are the only Gaming Computer Manufacturer featured. Want to use Oculus Rift for virtual reality gaming? You need a beast of a gaming computer to handle the VR 3D rendering.
What a coincidence, we actually make those! Yes Psychsoftpc makes gaming computers and some of the fastest, most powerful gaming computers you'll find. We are also considered experts on 3D imaging, 3D Printing, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, not to mention Hadoop and Big Data. Look around. You'll find hundreds of articles on all these topics with us as a primary source quoted frequently.
We at Psychsoftpc focus on high performance computing, it's all we do, it's something we do very well and we have been designing and making high performance computers for a very long time. Have you noticed that lots of the other Johnny Come Lately Gamer PC companies out there are showing up in the first pages of Google search while other more established folks are left out in the cold? Do you really trust companies that have been only making gaming computers for under a year? Google seems to. Can you really trust Google to present honest results or are there other factors at play? Let's face it, since they released Panda, useful results from Google search tanked. Psychsoftpc designs and builds the fastest computers for 3D gaming Virtual or otherwise you'll come across and we've been doing that since 1987 yet the folks that have been doing it for less than 3 months get all the Google love.
Virtual Reality is going to change how you experience gaming in amazing ways. Think you're immersed in the gaming environment now? Just wait until you experience it in VR. You are in for heart pounding extreme action with an experience as close to real as you can get. Picture Tomb Raider, then imagine it in 3D Virtual Reality. It will blow you away. But to experience all of it, you need a top of the line 3D Gaming Computer like the ones we make.
So get ready to have your mind blown. Just make sure you do it on a Psychsoftpc Gamer PC
Your Gamer Friends @ Psychsoftpc
Follow us on Twitter @Psychsoftpc
or check out our Facebook Page Psychsoftpc
What a coincidence, we actually make those! Yes Psychsoftpc makes gaming computers and some of the fastest, most powerful gaming computers you'll find. We are also considered experts on 3D imaging, 3D Printing, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, not to mention Hadoop and Big Data. Look around. You'll find hundreds of articles on all these topics with us as a primary source quoted frequently.
We at Psychsoftpc focus on high performance computing, it's all we do, it's something we do very well and we have been designing and making high performance computers for a very long time. Have you noticed that lots of the other Johnny Come Lately Gamer PC companies out there are showing up in the first pages of Google search while other more established folks are left out in the cold? Do you really trust companies that have been only making gaming computers for under a year? Google seems to. Can you really trust Google to present honest results or are there other factors at play? Let's face it, since they released Panda, useful results from Google search tanked. Psychsoftpc designs and builds the fastest computers for 3D gaming Virtual or otherwise you'll come across and we've been doing that since 1987 yet the folks that have been doing it for less than 3 months get all the Google love.
Virtual Reality is going to change how you experience gaming in amazing ways. Think you're immersed in the gaming environment now? Just wait until you experience it in VR. You are in for heart pounding extreme action with an experience as close to real as you can get. Picture Tomb Raider, then imagine it in 3D Virtual Reality. It will blow you away. But to experience all of it, you need a top of the line 3D Gaming Computer like the ones we make.
So get ready to have your mind blown. Just make sure you do it on a Psychsoftpc Gamer PC
Your Gamer Friends @ Psychsoftpc
Follow us on Twitter @Psychsoftpc
or check out our Facebook Page Psychsoftpc
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